hi this week
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Surprising Guidance"
on June 5th, 2023
Sermon Overview:We all look for signs of God’s will for our lives. In this sermon, CJ gives us a category for discerning God’s guidance in our lives–especially if it leads to painful circumstances. We looked at two surprises in this text. First, we looked at the surprising relationships of the fellow believers Paul encounters on his journey. The gospel creates bonds that are quickly formed and har...  Read More
Sermon Quotes: "A Moving Farwell"
on May 31st, 2023
“Texts have meaning, and texts have tone.” John Piper“If we read Acts 20:17-38 with a sterile detachment, we deprive ourselves of the life and resulting benefit of the passage.” Kent Hughes “In an age when many are searching for different ways to attract people to church and make an impact on their society for Christ, it is salutary to recall Paul’s formula, both for evangelism and the nurture of ...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "A Moving Farewell"
on May 31st, 2023
Sermon Overview:Paul gives a poignant goodbye speech to the Ephesian elders. He seeks to prepare them for a future he will not see. First, Paul highlights his affectionate and sacrificial pastoral example. Paul also gives the Ephesian elders a solemn charge to care for God’s church. Finally, Paul expresses confidence that God and the “word of his grace” will build up the Ephesian believers.Discuss...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Keeping God and the End in Sight"
on May 24th, 2023
Sermon Overview:There are two contrasting portraits in this psalm. One portrait is of the wicked. The other is of the pure in heart. The wicked are proud, violent, wealthy, and they speak against God. The pure in heart are humble, they hope in God, and they treasure God. Asaph, the writer of the Psalm, is tempted to envy the wealth and success of the wicked. But he repents, turns his gaze on God, ...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Anything But Ordinary"
on May 17th, 2023
Sermon Overview:Paul continues his missionary journey by traveling to Macedonia and Greece, accompanied by believers from different regions of the ancient world. Finally, Paul travels to Troas and there celebrates the Lord’s Day with local Christians. As Paul is teaching during their gathering, a young man named Eutychus falls asleep at an open window, falling three stories to his death. Standing ...  Read More
Sermon Quotes: "Anything But Ordinary"
on May 16th, 2023
“The restoration of Eutychus life was a vivid reminder to the Christians of Troas that the Jesus whom Paul had been preaching was indeed the resurrection and the life.” John Polhill“Luke records only one incident during this week in Troas, namely the dramatic sleep, fall, death and resuscitation of a young man called Eutychus. Because it took place in the context of a worship service, however, the...  Read More



