hi this week

Holy Week Resources

Dear Church,

As CJ reminded us this morning, it would be a most wise use of our time if we purposefully slowed down over the next few days in order to devote our attention to the events of Holy Week. We pray these resources will serve to deepen our admiration and affections for Christ—the One who deliberately made His way to a hill called Golgotha and died on the cross as the sin bearing substitute for you and me. Let us wonder and worship!

Walk with Jesus Through Holy week by reading a different Passion narrative each day this week

Matthew 21-28
Mark 11-16
Luke 19-24
John 12-21

Gospel Accounts of Holy Week

  • The most important way to prepare for Easter is by reading and meditating on Scripture. This chart lists the events of Jesus’ final week along with the gospel texts that record them. 
  • If you’d like to study the events of Holy Week in more detail, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Justin Taylor, provides a detailed and devotional account of that helps you walk through Jesus’ final week from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday

Devotional Materials on the cross

  • Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter (ed. Nancy Guthrie). This book contains a number of short, rich reflections on Christ’s sacrifice for us from theologians and pastors throughout church history.
  • Paul David Tripp provides a brief, accessible 40-day devotional for the season leading up to Easter Sunday entitled Journey to the Cross.
  • If you own J. I. Packer’s Knowing God, then you have in your hands a wealth of devotional material. Check out chapter 18: “The Heart of the Gospel” for a wonderful exposition of what happened on the cross.
  • Love to the Uttermost (John Piper). In this e-book, Dr. Piper provides a devotion for each day of Holy Week.

Considering atonement

  •  We’d recommend everyone have on their reading list books that give detailed treatment on what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Two in particular top our list: John Stott’s classic work The Cross of Christ, and the lesser-known but equally profound Christ Crucified: Understanding the Atonement, by Donald Macleod.
  • This collection of important essays by J.I. Packer and Mark Dever give careful theological reflection on the atonement. It also contains an invaluable bibliography of books on the cross, compiled by Ligon Duncan.

Evangelistic opportunities

  • Among the many good evangelistic resources available, this little book by John Piper is both a rich exploration of the cross for believers, and a very useful evangelistic tool to give to non-Christians, especially around Easter.

Playlist on the life and death of Jesus

Bob compiled this playlist of songs to help us reflect on the cross and its meaning for us.



