hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "Open Doors and Open Hearts"

“Authentic turning points in history are few. But surely among them that of the Macedonian vision ranks high. Because of Paul’s obedience at this point, the gospel went westward; and ultimately Europe and the Western world were evangelized. Christian response to the call of God is never a trivial thing. Indeed, as in this instance, great issues and untold blessings may depend upon it.” Richard Longenecker

“This example of God’s providence may not be used as an excuse for Christian quarreling.”
John Stott

“What was unnecessary for acceptance with God was advisable for acceptance by some human beings.” John Stott

“Macedonia was part of Greece, the country which had in its heyday embodied the finest cultural flowering of the human spirit. In the areas of philosophy, architecture, democracy, drama, poetry, history, science, and mathematics, Greece had contributed a national legacy which was to become one of the pillars of modern civilization. Yet in spite of all these sparkling cultural achievements, Greece was still needy; the ‘man of Macedonia’ is begging for help in the most important sphere of all-spiritual understanding and experience, he is begging for news of a Savior.” Bruce Milne

“The Providence of God is like Hebrew words-it can be read only backwards.” John Flavel
“Although the message was Paul’s, the saving initiative was God’s. Paul’s preaching was not effective in itself; the Lord worked through it. And the Lord’s work was not in itself direct; he chose to work through Paul’s preaching. It is always the same.”
 John Stott

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