"He commanded our fathers to teach their children so that they should set their hope in God and not forget his works."
Psalm 78:5, 7
Christian parents have the unique privilege and responsibility of raising their kids in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). That's why at Sovereign Grace Kids we count it a joy to assist parents on Sunday mornings by helping your children learn from the Bible while having fun together.

what to expect
Upon arrival, you can go to the SGKids check-in to receive a name tag for your children (1 year old-5th grade). Moms can take noisy or hungry infants to the Mom&Baby room. A live video stream is in the room to serve you.
what they will do
SGKids is built around The Gospel Story for Kids Curriculum. This curriculum helps ground children in the gospel story from Genesis to Revelation and includes activities, object lessons, and memorization appropriate for each age group.
what you do
SGKids exists to help parents introduce their children to God and His gospel and increase their love for both. Their time in the classroom is meant to be a supplement to what you are doing in the home.