hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Contend for the Gospel"

Sermon Overview:
In Jude 3-4, Jude was eager to share the gospel, to speak of the glories of salvation. However, some people had snuck into the church and were distorting the gospel. As a wise pastor, Jude decided to equip his people to contend for the gospel. Jude makes clear that contending for gospel is necessary and it requires dicernment.

Discussion Questions:

1. The content of the gospel has been once for all delivered to and received by the saints. CJ expressed his amazement that the gospel had been entrusted to us. Are you amazed that God would entrust the gospel to you? If so, why?

2. Because we have been entrusted with the gospel, we need to protect the gospel. What does contending for the gospel require?

3. In Jude's day, those opposed to the gospel had crept in unnoticed. Are there any ways that distortions of the gospel have crept unnoticed into you life?

4. How can you exercise discernment as you contend for the gospel in your life this week?

5. What does it look like to contend for the gospel in the lives of your fellow church members and in your community?



