hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "When It Feels Like No One Cares"

Sermon Overview:
David faced one of his lowest times in Psalm 142. The psalm describes David’s plea, David’s plight, David’s portion, and David’s prospect. Despite adversaries and suffering, David knows that God cares for him. This gives him hope that he will never be truly alone. As part of the people of God, we too are never truly alone since we have both Christ’s church and Christ’s steadfast love.

Discussion Questions:

1. In verse 1, CJ pointed out the repetition of the word “voice.” How does the emphasis on David’s voice teach us how to respond in our low times?

2. David took comfort in the fact that “you know my way” (v.2). How does this comfort you in a trial or trouble that you are going through?

3. David found that God is an all-satisfying portion. How may God be calling you to be satisfied in Him alone, not in His gifts?

4. CJ pointed out that David experienced the gift of fellowship shortly after penning this psalm. How can you pursue fellowship and fight the temptation to feel alone?

5. Unbelievers do not have either the church or Christ to run to when they feel lonely. How can we invite nonbelievers into the fellowship we share with Christ and His church, particularly when they are going through suffering?



