The office of deacon originated in the early church as the Lord provided skilled men with godly character to assess and care for the church’s practical needs. The qualifications for those serving in this role are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Because of their public role, deacons must be men of integrity who have a firm grasp of the gospel. The Lord has graciously provided such men for our church who faithfully serve the pastors as they oversee areas including benevolence, finances, and administration.

Arnie Baer
Arnie is married to Dawn; he became a deacon in 2015; Arnie is our full-time Facilities and Events Manager. Arnie smokes the best meat you ever will have!

Mike Bradshaw
Mike is married to Janelle, and they have four children; he became a deacon in 2015; he primarily serves by leading SGKids.

Mark Donovan
Mark is married to Lisa, and they have two children and two grandchildren; he became a deacon in 2015; Mark is the church treasurer. In another life, Mark attended 17 Bruce Springsteen concerts and also was considered a professional golf player.

Jake Fabish
Jake is married to Hannah, and they have six children; he became a deacon in 2023. Jake enjoys playing many different types of instruments and can hold his own in tennis!

Rich Humphrey
Rich is married to Catherine, and they have four children; Rich became a deacon in 2019.

Paul Medler
Paul is married to Jo, and they have two children and seven grandchildren; he became a deacon in 2015; Paul assists with church administration.

Tristan Murray
Tristan is married to Amy, and they have three children; he became a deacon in 2023. Tristan is the inventor and founder of Dadnose.

Cris Williams
Cris is married to Amy, and they have three children; Cris became a deacon in 2017. Cris has served countless members in our church and even removed a bird from a dryer vent. Cris was also voted "Best dressed" circa 1985.