hi this week


The purpose of Women2Women, SGCL’s Women’s Ministry, is to encourage women in their love for Christ, knowledge of His word, and growth in godly womanhood through events and opportunities unique to women.
Through Women2Women, we strive to apply Titus 2:3-5, encouraging godly older women to mentor younger women so that we might adorn the glorious gospel through the beauty of godly womanhood.
The authors of Women’s Ministry in the Local Church helpfully explain: “Titus 2 gives legitimacy and limitations to a women’s ministry. There is an unmistakable mandate for women to train women, but the extent of the training is somewhat limited. There are many times and places in church life where men and women serve side by side, but a primary task of the women’s ministry is to train women in the biblical principles and practices of womanhood. This does not mean that biblical womanhood is the only thing that women study, but it does mean that there should be a resolute commitment to weave these principles throughout the entire women’s ministry.”

Upcoming Women's Events