In Scripture, the term pastor simply means “shepherd” and is interchangeable with overseer and elder (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-2; Titus 1:5, 7). The significance of this office emerges from God’s heart to love and care for his people through his Son, the chief Shepherd. Christ has set the standard as the definitive Shepherd, the One who leads with truth and grace, justice and love. Therefore, pastors must possess high moral character and live lives that commend the gospel and serve as a model for others. Through their example and teaching, they lead the church in its mission to proclaim the gospel and extend the Lord’s compassionate heart to love for and care for his people.

Brian Chesemore
Brian graduated from the Pastors College in 1998 and has served in full-time pastoral ministry since 2003. He serves currently as the Executive Pastor for Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. Brian oversees many of the day to day activities of the church, including leadership and ministry development. Brian also serves as the Director for Student Care for the Sovereign Grace Pastors College.
He is married to Kristin and they have three sons, one daughter and one daughter in law. He and Kristin recently became grandparents!
He is married to Kristin and they have three sons, one daughter and one daughter in law. He and Kristin recently became grandparents!

Chad Hester
Chad primarily oversees SGCL's Thrive ministry while also looking to serve the church in a variety of other ways. He and his wife Casey moved to Louisville in 2013 and have four daughters. He graduated from the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in 2016 and earned an MDiv. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2016. Chad was ordained as a pastor in 2021.

Bob Kauflin
Bob oversees the music and helps provide pastoral care for Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. His full time job is serving as the Director of Sovereign Grace Music. Bob has written several books: Worship Matters and True Worshippers. In both of these, the aim is to help the church think theologically about music in the church.
Bob and his wife, Julie, have four married daughters, two married sons, and an ever-growing number of grandchildren.
Bob and his wife, Julie, have four married daughters, two married sons, and an ever-growing number of grandchildren.

C. J. Mahaney
C. J. serves as the Senior Pastor for Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. He has authored several books, including The Cross-Centered Life and Humility: True Greatness.
C. J. and his wife, Carolyn, have three married daughters, one married son, thirteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. C. J. cheers for the Washington Commanders, Washington Nationals, and University of Maryland basketball, and he cheers against the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees, and Duke basketball.
C. J. and his wife, Carolyn, have three married daughters, one married son, thirteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. C. J. cheers for the Washington Commanders, Washington Nationals, and University of Maryland basketball, and he cheers against the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees, and Duke basketball.

Jeff Purswell
Jeff serves Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville through preaching and teaching, along with pastoral care. Jeff is also the Dean of the Sovereign Grace Pastors College and serves on the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches.
He and his wife, Julie, have two sons, one daughter in law and one grandson!
He and his wife, Julie, have two sons, one daughter in law and one grandson!

Gary Ricucci
Drawing on 45 years of experience, Gary serves Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville primarily through pastoral care, leadership development, and counseling.
He is married to Betsy and they have two daughters, two sons and six grandchildren. Gary & Betsy are Colonial Williamsburg and Walt Disney World enthusiasts.
He is married to Betsy and they have two daughters, two sons and six grandchildren. Gary & Betsy are Colonial Williamsburg and Walt Disney World enthusiasts.

Steve Whitacre
Steve graduated from the Pastors College in 1999 and pastored in Virginia for 10 years before moving his family to Louisville for further theological education. Steve joined the pastoral team in 2018 and serves bi-vocationally as the president of Trinity College of Louisville. He oversees leadership development, men's ministry, and Sunday classes.
Steve and his wife Nicole have four children.
Steve and his wife Nicole have four children.

Tyson Ziegler
Tyson serves Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville bi-vocationally through the counseling and discipleship ministries. After serving as a pastor in Northern Kentucky for four years, he moved to Louisville in 2015 to pursue his MDiv. He graduated from the Pastors College in 2016 and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2017, and he was ordained as a pastor in 2018.
Tyson and Debbie have four children.
Tyson and Debbie have four children.