hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Gospel Confronts the Gods"

Sermon Overview:
As we engage in our secular culture, Paul through the text in Acts 17, gives us insights for Gospel mission. First, we must view all things from a God-centered perspective which helps us find gospel conversation opportunities with our neighbors. Second, we must have a gospel worldview that will help us understand out of place allegiances. Knowing that God is the sovereign creator of the world, that he is self-existent, and his creations depend upon him, allow us to understand where idols creep in and displace God from his rightful throne. Finally, having gospel clarity gives us the ability to teach the whole counsel of God in Jesus’ death and resurrection so that those who will believe can rightly confess and repent.

Discussion Questions: 
  1. How did the sermon and text help grow your confidence in the gospel as you have conversations with those outside the church?

  1. Jeff said the gospel sets God before us, sensitizing us to when God is ignored. Describe a cultural situation in which you noticed God being ignored. How did you respond?

  2. Having a gospel worldview helps us engage with others wisely and more thoughtfully. What are some ways you remind yourself of the gospel and its implications every day?

  3. Jeff said that many in Athens loved ideas for idea’s sake. How do you continuously encounter Jesus relationally to stay protected from the love of knowledge alone?

  4. Jeff said, “God is not waiting on you to serve him, he is waiting on you to need him”. How does this help you understand the difference between God’s character and that of the pagan idols?
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