Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Hindered from Running Well"
Overview of the Sermon:
These verses give a surprising gift of warnings that are meant to guard Christians from tripping over legalism or license. They are also meant to fix our eyes on the sufficiency of Jesus. Paul warns of false teaching and beliefs that would lead to self-confidence, rather than confidence in Jesus alone. If one persists in false self-confidence, it will lead to condemnation. The only confidence that will empower finishing the race well is that He who called us, is the One who will keep us. As the old hymn says, “He will hold us fast”.
Discussion Questions:
1. Paul was no stranger to sports and used many illustrations from recreational competition. What has God taught you through sports?
2. CJ proclaimed that “legalism if left unaddressed will spread”. How have you seen this reality unfold in your life?
3. What are some modern additions to the gospel you can be tempted by?
4. CJ listed out some reasons why the cross is so offensive. How does reflecting on these offenses of the cross guard your soul from tripping up on false confidence?
5. CJ concluded that “There is no running or finishing the race well apart from clinging to the cross of Christ”. How does this fuel your own “leg of the race” right now?
These verses give a surprising gift of warnings that are meant to guard Christians from tripping over legalism or license. They are also meant to fix our eyes on the sufficiency of Jesus. Paul warns of false teaching and beliefs that would lead to self-confidence, rather than confidence in Jesus alone. If one persists in false self-confidence, it will lead to condemnation. The only confidence that will empower finishing the race well is that He who called us, is the One who will keep us. As the old hymn says, “He will hold us fast”.
Discussion Questions:
1. Paul was no stranger to sports and used many illustrations from recreational competition. What has God taught you through sports?
2. CJ proclaimed that “legalism if left unaddressed will spread”. How have you seen this reality unfold in your life?
3. What are some modern additions to the gospel you can be tempted by?
4. CJ listed out some reasons why the cross is so offensive. How does reflecting on these offenses of the cross guard your soul from tripping up on false confidence?
5. CJ concluded that “There is no running or finishing the race well apart from clinging to the cross of Christ”. How does this fuel your own “leg of the race” right now?
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