Sermon Quotes: "Breaking the Fourth Wall"
“[Meekness] is a Christlike quality, for he said ‘I am meek.’ As exercised towards people, meekness is self-subduing gentleness. But here the direction is Godward, or rather towards the word of God, and it is that temper of spirit in which we accept his dealings with us as good,...without disputing. It is the spirit which says a simple ‘yes' to what the word teaches and commands, it is the mind disposed to learn — and to do so with prompt readiness.” J. Alec Motyer
“The spirit of Christian long-suffering, and of meekness in bearing injuries, is a mark of true greatness of soul. It shews a true and noble nature, and real greatness of spirit, thus to maintain the calmness of the mind in the midst of injuries and evils. It is an evidence of excellence of temper, and of inward fortitude and strength. ‘He that is slow to anger,’ says Solomon (Prov. xvi. 32), ‘is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city;’ that is, he shews a more noble and excellent nature, and more true greatness of spirit, than the greatest conquerors of the earth. It is from littleness of mind that the soul is easily disturbed and put out of repose by the reproaches and ill-treatment of men; just as little streams of water are much disturbed by the small unevennesses and obstacles they meet with in their course, and make a great deal of noise as they pass over them, whereas great and mighty streams pass over the same obstacles calmly and quietly, without a ripple on the surface to shew they are disturbed. He that possesses his soul after such a manner that, when others harm and injure him, he can, notwithstanding, remain in calmness and hearty good-will toward them, pitying and forgiving them from the heart, manifests therein a godlike greatness of spirit.” Jonathan Edwards
“The psalm ends with calm objectivity, the answer to the fretful impatience encountered at the start. Note the from Him (39) and the in Him (40): His initiative in sending, and our response in taking shelter; the help that He gives, and the refuge that He is.” Derek Kidner
“The spirit of Christian long-suffering, and of meekness in bearing injuries, is a mark of true greatness of soul. It shews a true and noble nature, and real greatness of spirit, thus to maintain the calmness of the mind in the midst of injuries and evils. It is an evidence of excellence of temper, and of inward fortitude and strength. ‘He that is slow to anger,’ says Solomon (Prov. xvi. 32), ‘is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city;’ that is, he shews a more noble and excellent nature, and more true greatness of spirit, than the greatest conquerors of the earth. It is from littleness of mind that the soul is easily disturbed and put out of repose by the reproaches and ill-treatment of men; just as little streams of water are much disturbed by the small unevennesses and obstacles they meet with in their course, and make a great deal of noise as they pass over them, whereas great and mighty streams pass over the same obstacles calmly and quietly, without a ripple on the surface to shew they are disturbed. He that possesses his soul after such a manner that, when others harm and injure him, he can, notwithstanding, remain in calmness and hearty good-will toward them, pitying and forgiving them from the heart, manifests therein a godlike greatness of spirit.” Jonathan Edwards
“The psalm ends with calm objectivity, the answer to the fretful impatience encountered at the start. Note the from Him (39) and the in Him (40): His initiative in sending, and our response in taking shelter; the help that He gives, and the refuge that He is.” Derek Kidner
Bible Reading
January 9th, 2025
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Danger of Gospel Distortion"
September 23rd, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Contend for the Gospel"
September 18th, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: Called, Loved, Kept
September 11th, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Immeasurable Riches of God's Grace"
September 3rd, 2024
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