hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Fueled By Power and Promises"

Sermon Overview:
The world we live in tempts us to live on autopilot, doing whatever we can to avoid hardship and pursue ease and pleasure. 1 Peter reminds us that not only are we to pursue initiative, God’s promises and power enables and sustains our diligence in the Christian life. In 1 Peter 1:3-11, we see the assurance of our maturity, the path to our maturity, and the goal of our maturity. As we persevere in our faith, God is faithful to both help us and bring our faith to fruition as we get closer to the day where we will be with him.
Discussion Questions:
1. Verses 3-4 describes the assurance of our maturity and reminds us that, because of the gospel, we will finish well. Do you tend to view God’s involvement in your life as enabling or detached? What does this passage say about what God does in our lives?

2. Verses 5-7 list characteristics that we are to pursue. Which of these characteristics do you currently see the Lord developing in your life? How have you seen fruit or effectiveness from those qualities?
3. Emerson reminded us that true faith perseveres. What does perseverance look like in your season?

4. True faith will make us want to please God more instead of presuming his love for us. How does this concept balance the dichotomy of faith and works?



