hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Rejoice"

Overview of the Sermon:
Cam opened this sermon with studies showing this generation to be the least happy people in history. Paul’s letter to the Philippians shows that they faced a variety of threats to joy. Paul repeats the word “joy” throughout his letter, and in 4:4 commands the church to “rejoice in the Lord always.” Cam’s sermon was themed by “When threats to joy arise, we anchor ourselves to Him, and commit to finding joy in Him.” These are not inconsiderate demands, but anchors for the Christian in every circumstance. We are lovingly commanded to feast of the provision in God’s gospel, rather than starve on empty pleasures.

Discussion Questions:

1. Cam mentioned how this may be one of those familiar verses that often gets overlooked when reading this letter. What do you think about when you hear this commonly referenced verse?

2. How can Paul command Christians to rejoice always when there is so much pain and suffering in the world?

3. How can this command draw you outside the darkness of a present circumstance?

4. In what ways does the gospel specifically anchor your soul to Jesus and recalibrate your joy?

5. What examples of Christians rejoicing in the midst of suffering have you witnessed affect watching unbelievers?



