Bible Reading in 2024

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
– Psalm 34:8 –
January is often a season of new beginnings. Maybe this is the time of year you wonder about trying to read the bible? And maybe you don’t really know where to start. Or you’ve tried before and the wheels fell off by February.
Well, there’s good news for you! can look at plans without fear of condemnation because bible reading is not something we do to get or keep God’s approval.
Well, there’s good news for you! can look at plans without fear of condemnation because bible reading is not something we do to get or keep God’s approval.
Why think about a Bible plan?
To put it simply, we want to know God more than we did before.And this isn’t just knowing more about him, but knowing him relationally as a friend you are growing to love and trust. So, the plan is intended to create structure and space for you to connect with the Lord. If you want to grow and need some help, I’d recommend 3 steps: Plan | Place | Process
The ESV Study Bible is a very helpful tool - visit for bible plans - and you can have the readings emailed to you every morning by subscribing.
The Bible App by Youversion has hundreds of bible reading plans and you can listen to audio versions while you drive or walk.
Good reading plans to check out include:
M’Cheyne One Year Plan I Bible in 2 Years | Chronological Bible |
The Bible App by Youversion has hundreds of bible reading plans and you can listen to audio versions while you drive or walk.
Good reading plans to check out include:
M’Cheyne One Year Plan I Bible in 2 Years | Chronological Bible |
While sticking to a plan is helpful, recognize that you may need to shift plans because of life transitions or a preferred approach. The goal is fellowship with the Lord, not completing a particular plan.
What kind of timeframe do you have?
Can you make adjustments to clear more time?
Ex: You can pick out clothes the night before, make your lunch the night before, set coffee maker, go to sleep 30 minutes earlier…etc. PLACE
Can you make adjustments to clear more time?
Ex: You can pick out clothes the night before, make your lunch the night before, set coffee maker, go to sleep 30 minutes earlier…etc. PLACE
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed." Mark 1:35
Quiet + Low traffic + Away from screens/emails/texts…protects your focus on God’s Word and prayer
John Piper has a series of brief prayers from the psalms to get you started each morning: (You can remember it by the acronym: IOUS)
- Incline my heart to your Word and not to selfish gain. (Psalm 119:36)
- Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things in your law. (Psalm 119:18)
- Unite my heart to fear your name. (Psalm 86:11)
- Satisfy me in the morning with your steadfast love. (Psalm 90:14)
Read with a highlighter and pen. Mark it up and make notes along the way. This helps you engage while reading and remember what you read!
Consider three brief questions:
- What stood out to you?
- What do you have questions about?
Consider three brief questions:
- What does this text reveal about me? my sin, my need?
- What does this text reveal about the sufficiency of Christ?
- What virtue does this text encourage me to put on in response?
Springboard off of scripture into prayer - Talk to God about what you’ve read!
Pray for others based on what you’ve read (Family, Friends, SGCL Prayer Guide)
Pray for others based on what you’ve read (Family, Friends, SGCL Prayer Guide)
“Day by day, as God’s sons, we thankfully take the gifts that our heavenly Father bestows…daily reassurance from his promises, daily revelations of Himself from his Word. Day by day, we trustfully hand over to our heavenly Father our various fears and failures, deliberately unstrapping the burden of care from our own shoulders in order to cast it upon Him. Such . . . is the taking and giving (the fellowship) . . . that constitutes the life of faith.”
- J.I. Packer
Hopefully, this starter kit will serve you as you get rolling into the New Year and beyond. As always, let us know if there are any ways we can help you! Looking forward to growing together in 2024.
Bible Reading
January 9th, 2025
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Danger of Gospel Distortion"
September 23rd, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Contend for the Gospel"
September 18th, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: Called, Loved, Kept
September 11th, 2024
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Immeasurable Riches of God's Grace"
September 3rd, 2024
Bible Reading in 2024Sermon Quotes: "One Thing Is Necessary"Sermon Quotes: "Extravagant Devotion"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Extravagant Devotion"Sermon Quotes: "What Do We Do With Regret?"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "What Do We Do With Regret?"Sovereign Grace Churches First Quarter 2024 Prayer RequestsSermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "No Other Gospel"Sermon Quotes: "No Other Gospel"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "A Gospel from Heaven"
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "An Unexpected Entrance"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Behold"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Life After Prison"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Treasuring Adoption"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Known By God"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Enjoy Your Life"
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "No Turning Back"Sermon Quotes: "Open Doors and Open Hearts"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Three Unexpected Converts"Sermon Quotes: "The Pulpit and The Pew" Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Pulpit and the Pew"Sermon Quotes: "Three Unexpected Converts"
Sermon Quotes: "Our Prowling Adversary"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Our Prowling Adversary"Sermon Quotes: "The Most Important Week In History"Sermon Quotes: "The Most Joyful Event"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Most Joyful Event"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Gospel Confronts the Gods"Sermon Quotes: "The Gospel Goes Next Door"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Gospel Goes Next Door"
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Pentecost Catches Up"Sermon Quotes: "Pentecost Catches Up"Sermon Quotes: "No Little Disturbance"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "No Little Disturbance"Sermon Quotes: "Anything But Ordinary"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Anything But Ordinary"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Keeping God and the End in Sight"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "A Moving Farewell"Sermon Quotes: "A Moving Farwell"
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Surprising Guidance"Sermon Quotes: "Suprising Guidance"Sermon Quotes: "Worth Dying For"Sermon Quotes: "Gospel Plans That Don't Go as PlannedSermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Worth Dying For"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Gospel Plans That Don't Go as Planned"Sermon Overview & Questions: "The Grace of Deliverance"
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Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Sovereignty on the High Seas"Sermon Quotes: "Rome At Last"Sermon Quotes: "The Prisoner Preaches"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Rome at Last"Sermon Quotes: "And The Adventure Continues"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Trusting God in the Darkness"Sermon Quotes: "Trusting God in the Darkness"
Sermon Quotes: "The Grace of Partnership"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Grace of Partnership"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "When It Feels Like No One Cares"Sermon Quotes: "When It Feels Like No One Cares"Sermon Quotes: "Nothing's Changed but Everything's Different"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Nothing's Changed but Everything's Different"Sermon Quotes: "Blindsided By Betrayal"Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Blindsided By Betrayal"Sermon Quotes: "Everyday Prayer"