hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "True Spirituality"

Overview of the Sermon:
To a culture obsessed with spirituality, Paul writes to define clearly what true spirituality is and how it can be measured in the believer’s life. CJ showed us that true spirituality is not self-centered nor based on subjective impressions, but is the fruit of the gospel worked out in the context of the local church. True spiritual maturity is expressed in gentle restoration when one is caught in sin, and in the bearing of one another’s burdens. God’s kind design is not that we bear hardships or suffering alone, but that we share with each other, care for each other, and fulfill the law of Christ by imitating Him in love. Those “who are spiritual,” are not the spiritual elite, but are simply the entire community of gospel believing Christians. Spirit-filled Christians do not avoid and ignore sin, but humbly recognize that Jesus bore our greatest burden on the cross and cared for us with gentle restoration. Because of this, we can care for each other and boast in Him alone.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some ways that you are tempted to practice spirituality outside of how Scripture defines true Spirituality?

2. How does the gospel help to guard us from falling into temptation when we are seeking to restore someone who has been caught in sin?

3. CJ said that “We don’t gather to impress one another with our spirituality, but as needy sinners humbly in need of grace.” What burden are you carrying right now, and who is bearing that burden with you this week? If no one, who can you divulge that to?

4. CJ shared a list of questions that can help us learn and share burdens. Is there someone in your community group who you can discuss these questions with?
- What is presently hard for you?
- What was the most difficult moment or your lowest moment last week?
- What are you presently worried about?
- What are you afraid of tomorrow or as you look into the future?

5. JI Packer said, “The church is a place where no one is well, and anyone can relapse at any time.” How might this inform a conversation with someone dear burdening your heart?



