Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Rome at Last"
Sermon Overview:
Shipwrecked on the island of Malta, Paul begins to gather firewood when he is bitten by a snake. The LORD demonstrates his protection over Paul to the native people by sparing his life from the poisonous bite. The LORD likewise demonstrates his sovereignty over illness by healing the chief man of the island through Paul, as well as many other members of the native tribe. Leaving Malta to travel to Rome, Paul is met just outside the city by two groups of Christian believers, both of which greatly encourage the imprisoned Paul. Throughout the entire journey, the LORD continually proves himself faithful to his promise that Paul will not be harmed before he stands before Caesar to declare Christ’s unstoppable gospel.
Discussion Questions:
1. Paul overcomes many hinderances during his journey to Rome. How do these obstacles in the passage strengthen you in God’s sovereignty?
2. Paul was fortified by the appearing of the Roman Christians just outside of Rome. In what ways have you likewise been encouraged by other members of the church? How are you motivated to serve as an encouragement to other Christians in SGCL?
3. CJ noted that one of the applications of this passage is to perceive God’s kindness in the ordinary. How has the LORD been kind to you in specific ways throughout the past week? How might you better prepare to perceive his kindness in the coming weeks?
4. Another application of the passage CJ mentioned is to serve others while waiting on the LORD for his deliverance. What forward-looking distractions are preventing you from serving others in the present?
5. How might you leverage your trust in the providence of God to fulfill his purposes in and on the other side of your waiting when it comes to sharing the gospel with friends, family, and coworkers? Practically, how does such trust change how you would explain the gospel?
Shipwrecked on the island of Malta, Paul begins to gather firewood when he is bitten by a snake. The LORD demonstrates his protection over Paul to the native people by sparing his life from the poisonous bite. The LORD likewise demonstrates his sovereignty over illness by healing the chief man of the island through Paul, as well as many other members of the native tribe. Leaving Malta to travel to Rome, Paul is met just outside the city by two groups of Christian believers, both of which greatly encourage the imprisoned Paul. Throughout the entire journey, the LORD continually proves himself faithful to his promise that Paul will not be harmed before he stands before Caesar to declare Christ’s unstoppable gospel.
Discussion Questions:
1. Paul overcomes many hinderances during his journey to Rome. How do these obstacles in the passage strengthen you in God’s sovereignty?
2. Paul was fortified by the appearing of the Roman Christians just outside of Rome. In what ways have you likewise been encouraged by other members of the church? How are you motivated to serve as an encouragement to other Christians in SGCL?
3. CJ noted that one of the applications of this passage is to perceive God’s kindness in the ordinary. How has the LORD been kind to you in specific ways throughout the past week? How might you better prepare to perceive his kindness in the coming weeks?
4. Another application of the passage CJ mentioned is to serve others while waiting on the LORD for his deliverance. What forward-looking distractions are preventing you from serving others in the present?
5. How might you leverage your trust in the providence of God to fulfill his purposes in and on the other side of your waiting when it comes to sharing the gospel with friends, family, and coworkers? Practically, how does such trust change how you would explain the gospel?
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