hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Pulpit and the Pew"

Sermon Overview:
In Acts 17:1-5, Luke uses two cities to display the relationship between the pulpit and the pew that God uses to advance his mission. In Thessalonica, Luke highlights Paul’s teaching and interpreting of the Scriptures that was met with a Jewish mob and false accusations. Paul explained and reasoned with the Jews in Thessalonica, and many Gentiles believed. The Jews in Berea received Paul’s teaching with eagerness, examined the Scriptures, and believed in the gospel. The steady advance of Christ’s mission is ultimately secure as people devote themselves to the preached word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Brian reminded us that "The spirit of God loves to empower faithful preaching and bless faithful eager reception." In what ways has the preaching at SGCL particularly affected you?
  2. Paul opened the Scriptures and interpreted them, "explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead" (v. 2-3). How does God express his care and address our doubts and questions through preaching?
  3. We never move on from the cross, only into a more profound understanding of the
    cross. What areas of the gospel are more precious to you because of faithful preaching?
  4. Our responsibility is to pray for the preaching and listening. How can you pray for our pastors and our church informed by Brian's sermon? Spend some time praying for these things.
  5. The preaching and receiving of the Word of God are the two things God uses to advance his mission throughout the world. How has faithful preaching affected your view or practice of evangelism?



