hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "A Flawless Election Prediction"

Overview of Sermon:
In our current atmosphere of election-related anxiety, CJ pointed us towards the eternal perspective found in Psalm 33. The psalmist begins with a call to joyful praise. Next, he provides reasons why we should praise God–God’s righteous perfection and God’s active reign over all the rulers of the world. The psalm concludes with God’s special affection and steadfast love for His people. Because God has already dealt with the greatest threats to our joy through the cross, we can be confident that He reigns over this upcoming election.

Discussion Questions:

1. CJ pointed out that God’s steadfast love is mentioned in v.5, v.18, and v.22. He also mentioned that “the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever” is the most repeated phrase in the Bible. How does a knowledge of God’s steadfast love comfort you no matter what happens in world events or politics?

2. Psalm 33 describes an entirely sovereign God who rules and reigns over all. In other words, He is a big God. Where might you be tempted to view God as small, either in politics or in other situations?

3. How will this week’s sermon change how you react to your news feed and conversations about the election?

4. CJ mentioned that we can fill in our own circumstances in v. 19 where the psalmist says that the Lord will deliver His saints from death and keep them alive in famine. How can you apply this verse to something you are currently walking through?

5. How can our confidence in God’s reign be a witness to a watching world as we interact with nonbelievers about the upcoming election?



