hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: Called, Loved, Kept

Sermon Overview:
In Jude’s opening verse of his letter, we find a treasure trove of truth about the identity and future of the believer. Jude prepares his readers for the exhortations and warnings to come, but also wants them to consider the gospel. In telling his readers that they are called, loved, and kept, Jude invites us to meditate on the gospel and the richness of what God has done, is doing, and will do.
Discussion Questions:

1. Jude opens his letter by reminding the readers that they are called, beloved, and kept. Which one of these characteristics are you most aware of in your daily life?
2. ‘Called’ is one of the most frequently used verbs by Christians. How would you recall God’s initiative in his calling you?
3. God called us because he loves us. In what ways do you struggle with assurance of your salvation? How does Jude 1 bolster that assurance?
4. What things have you been tempted to look to for reasons why God loves you? What do they reveal about your heart?
5. How has your confidence in, or possibly distrust of God’s love, affected your relationship with him or others?



