hi this week
Sermon Overview & Questions: "The Grace of Deliverance"
on June 28th, 2023
Overview of the Sermon:From a young age, Paul’s parents taught him that the God of the Bible is a Deliverer. In Acts 22-23, we see the Lord faithfully deliver Paul through every trial. Paul proclaimed that Jesus delivered him from his sin, and sent him to proclaim the gospel to the gentiles, which resulted in a great uproar. By keeping Christ in view, Paul brilliantly silences both Jewish and Roma...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Gospel Plans That Don't Go as Planned"
on June 21st, 2023
Sermon Overview:Anarchy! A riot swiftly erupts in the Jerusalem temple as Paul is suddenly slandered, beaten, and dragged out of the temple by a devilish mob stirred up by unbelieving Jews. Seeking ordered justice, a military tribune arrests Paul, delivering him from the violent horde, and escorts him in chains into the soldiers’ barracks to hear his plea for innocence. An unwavering Paul rises to...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Worth Dying For"
on June 21st, 2023
Sermon Summary:After leaving Ptolemais, Paul and a group of disciples go to Jerusalem to deliver an offering to the Jewish Christians from their Gentile brothers. Once there, James and the elders expressed concerns about Paul’s coming, namely that his arrival will create problems for the Jewish Christians who still value the Law, and asked Paul to undergo purification with and publicly support fou...  Read More
Sermon Quotes: "Gospel Plans That Don't Go as Planned
on June 20th, 2023
“If we rest in the wise and good providence of God in all our plans, we will be confident people, and peaceful. Because we will know that whatever details of our plan don't happen, God's merciful providence holds sway. Because of the pervasive providence of God, Christians can be joyful in the gospel, sacrificial in our love, fearless in our witness, and confident in our planning.”  John Piper...  Read More
Sermon Quotes: "Worth Dying For"
on June 13th, 2023
“The pulpit is the setting for drama. The gospel itself is dramatic. We are not speaking of the sense of drama as a contrived performance or as a make-believe world of play-acting…The preacher doesn’t make the gospel dramatic-it already is…I urge students, when they read a biblical text, to look for the drama.” R.C. Sproul“Keep in mind that the divide between Jews and Gentiles was not small or sim...  Read More
Sermon Quotes: "Suprising Guidance"
on June 8th, 2023
“Guidance is a word, that for many Christian people evokes both fascination and fear. The fascination is felt because Christians do in fact want to be divinely guided and know that there are many places in the Bible where guidance is promised to faithful believers. The fear arises because they suspect that it is hard to get guidance right, and they anticipate disaster should they get it wrong. The...  Read More



