hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "Delivered From Distress"

“In other words, the same event has earthly and heavenly counterparts. On earth the battle has to be planned and forces assembled, swords at the read, yet it is only the Lord who gives the victory, and to this cause he summons all the heavenly forces at his command.” - Alec Motyer

“The note on which he ends the psalm is of God’s covenant commitment “to David and his offspring forever’ (Psalm 18:50). It is only in Jesus that this commitment finds its pinnacle and truest fulfillment. God’s gracious character and care find their ultimate revelation in Christ Jesus. When we look at our Savior, we are seeing the flesh-and-blood embodiment of the care and provision that God showed to David. We can trust God, no matter how dire the circumstance. For in the gospel the direst of circumstances-our deserved condemnation and an eternity in hell-have already been emptied of their threat and power.” - Dane Ortlund
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