hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Everyday Prayer"

Sermon Overview:
In the greatest sermon ever, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us how to pray. He begins by inviting us to call on Our Holy Father, who already knows and cares for all of our needs and desires daily fellowship with us. Three imperatives in the second half of the prayer prepare us for our three greatest needs. First, Jesus teaches us to pray daily, because we depend on God for our every need. Second, Jesus teaches us to pray for the forgiveness of our sins, and teaches that forgiven people forgive others, as they know the forgiveness and grace of God. Finally, He protects us from being surprised in our fight against temptation and the devil, when we pray that God deliver us and lead us not into temptation.

Discussion Questions:
1. How does the gospel transform this sermon into fellowship with God, rather than impossible burdens?

2. What are your current burdens? How does Jesus show His care in this passage for the heavy laden?

3. How does being forgiven your debts by Jesus inform and empower your prayer to forgive the one who has wronged you?

4. In what ways have you not been aware of the war around you? How does Jesus want to change that?

5. What prayers have you seen answered that inform your praise of God? Or how has patient persistence in prayer deepened your dependence on God?



