hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "When I Am Afraid"


Fear, whether dominating our lives or consistently present in the background, is part of human life. In Psalm 56, David wrestles with two voices—fear and faith. Fear is rooted in circumstances and focused on reasons to be afraid. Faith trusts God based on the knowledge of God through his word. Through faith, David knows God’s graciousness, greatness, justice, judgment, and care for him. David can then put his enemies and fear in a proper perspective, demonstrating confidence in God and anticipating his help and deliverance.

Discussion Questions:

1.The Psalms identify and shape our life experiences; they assume we are afraid. What does loud and dominating or quiet and present fear look like in your life?

2.Faith is “a deliberate act in defiance of one’s emotional state.” How does David’s interaction with fear in this Psalm encourage or instruct you?

3.David essentially says in this Psalm, “this would have been a terrifying crisis if I didn’t know God’s word.” What situation in your life would have been a terrifying had you not had the refuge of God’s promises?

4.Knowing that God is for us is the antidote to fear (verse 9). Why is it hard to trust God in the midst of fear?



