hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "A Cheerful Defense"

“Felix had the least peaceful term of any Roman administrator up until his time, was hated by the Jews, and was noted more for his bribe taking than his benevolence.” John Polhill

“Paul was not an innovator, but loyal to the ancestral faith. ‘The Way’ enjoyed a direct continuity with the Old Testament, for the Scriptures bore witness to Jesus Christ as the one in whom God’s promises had been fulfilled.” John Stott

“We should look for and be sensitive to specific areas of contact, behaviors, words, or beliefs that may serve as segues into personalized evangelism…To be saved is to be saved from something: sin. It is not enough to present the benefits of following Jesus. Following Jesus comes only through repentance and faith, and a gospel presentation must include the weight of condemnation and guilt that leads to hope in Christ. The more we can do this in personal, specific ways, rather than vague, general ideas about sin, or evil, or hopelessness in the world, the more we present the real, biblical Jesus to people as their potential Savior who saves them form their sin and offers them hope.” Brian Vickers

“Felix represents the many powerful people who are disturbed by the Gospel, and at some deep level know that it is true, yet who never become Christians. In eternity, how will Felix assess these two years?” D.A. Carson



